Missed Giving Day? It's not too late to make an impact! Give Now.


Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Past Events

President Scholz Student Emergency Fund Challenge
You did it! Your gifts to your favorite area of campus unlocked an additional $10,000 for our Student Emergency Fund, given by President Scholz. Thank you!
1,000 / 1,000 Gifts
CAS Harper English Challenge
You did it! Your gifts unlocked $500 in support for the English Department from Lila and James Harper. Thank you!
10 / 10 Gifts
CAS Karl Sociology Challenge
You did it! Your gifts unlocked $1,000 in additional support from Kurt Karl, BA ’74. Thank you!
50 / 50 Gifts
CAS Marriott Hands-On Learning Challenge
Tom Marriott, PhD ’74 (chemistry) and Lindsey Marriott have pledged a gift of $4,000 to CAS Hands-On Learning. This gift will be unlocked when we reach 100 gifts!
100 / 100 Gifts
CAS Ardema & Vidmar Hands-On Learning Challenge
An additional $6,000 toward Hands-On Learning from generous donors Aubrey Ardema '97 and Lucky Vidmar has been unlocked. Thank you!
CAS Slape Economics Challenge
An additional $10,000 for Economics from George BS ‘76 and Connie Slape has been unlocked. Thank you!
CAS Dean Poulsen Challenge
An additional $20,000 in support for Hands-On Learning, pledged by Dean Poulsen, has been unlocked. Thank you!
CAS Mendenhall Challenge
Thank you! Your gifts unlocked an additional $300 for the Theatre Arts Department from Dave Mendenhall.
5 / 5 Gifts
CAS Harper Mathematics Challenge
You did it! Your gifts unlocked $500 in support for the Math Department from Lila and James Harper. Thank you!
25 / 25 Gifts
CAS Walker Hands-On Learning Challenge
You did it! Your gifts unlocked an additional $1,000 for Hands-On Learning from CAS donor Karen Walker. Thank you!
75 / 75 Gifts
CAS Mortenson Challenge
Thanks to YOU, The Mortenson Family, and CAS Ducks near and far, we’ve unlocked the Mortenson Challenge, supporting Hands-On Learning! Together, when #DucksGive, we make a difference!
125 / 125 Gifts
CAS Bezzerides Challenge
The Bezzerides Challenge gift of $10,000 to the Creative Writing Program has been unlocked. We are grateful to the Bezzerides, YOU, and CAS Ducks near and far!
CAS McClendon Hands-On Learning Challenge
We unlocked $10,000 from Betsy and Scott McClendon. Thank you!
CAS Dean Poulsen Department Challenge
At the end of the day, we’ll check the leadership board and see which department has received the largest number of gifts. The winning department will receive $5,000 from the College of Arts and Sciences!
Rank Prize CAS Departments Gifts
1 $5,000 Theatre Arts 21
2 Human Physiology 16
3 Political Science 12
4 Psychology 8
5 Economics 6