Missed Giving Day? It's not too late to make an impact! Give Now.


Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Past Events

President Scholz Student Emergency Fund Challenge
You did it! Your gifts to your favorite area of campus unlocked an additional $10,000 for our Student Emergency Fund, given by President Scholz. Thank you!
1,000 / 1,000 Gifts
Environment Initiative Leadership Challenge
You did it! Your gifts unlocked an additional $2,000 in support from the Environment Initiative Leadership Team. Thank you, and thank you to our EI Leadership team: Adell Amos, Heather Brinton, Alai Reyes-Santos, Greg Dotson, Doug Toomey, Jill Elizabeth, and Keri Aronson! Help us unlock our next challenge...
15 / 15 Gifts
Environment Initiative Anonymous Challenge #2
You did it! Your gifts unlocked an additional $50,000 in support for the Environment Initiative Fund from our generous anonymous donor. Help us unlock our next challenge!
75 / 75 Gifts
Environment Initiative Anonymous Challenge #3
You did it! Your gifts unlocked our final challenge and an additional $200,000 in support from our generous anonymous donor. THANK YOU!
100 / 100 Gifts
David Ash WIN Challenge
You did it! Your gifts unlocked $1,000 for the Women's Innovation Network from David Ash. Thank you!
100 / 100 Gifts
Environment Initiative Anonymous Challenge #1
You did it! In addition to your gifts, you unlocked an additional $20,000 in support for the Environment Initiative Fund from a generous anonymous donor. Help us unlock our next challenge...
25 / 25 Gifts
Environment Initiative Featherman Challenge
You did it! Your gifts unlocked an additional $40,000 in support for the Environment Initiative from proud UO parents Heather and John Featherman. Thank you!
50 / 50 Gifts
SAIL Karl Challenge
You did it! You unlocked $500 for SAIL with your gifts. Thank you!
25 / 25 Gifts