School of Journalism & Communication
Give the Gift of Real-World Experience

A big part of the SOJC experience is the hands-on learning students do in the field. From Allen Hall and our Portland location to far-flung places around the globe, students:



Many students say these real-life experiences are what tip the scales in their favor when it’s time to find a job.


We want to make these life-changing opportunities available to all students. But we can’t do it without you!


How You Can Help


Give. Make a gift of any size to the SOJC Experiential Learning Fund. Our #DucksGive Day goal is not a dollar amount, but 200 gifts of $5 or more. What’s more, your gift will help unlock challenge gifts throughout the day to maximize impact.


Share. Spread the word by sharing this page with your network, inviting fellow Ducks to our Facebook event, and posting, tweeting, and talking about the SOJC Experiential Learning Fund. Bonus points for using the hashtag #DucksGive!

School of Journalism & Communication Donor Heatmap
Rank State Gifts
1 OR 125
2 CA 40
3 WA 15
SOJC Levis Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our second challenge goal of 15 gifts! In addition to the gifts you’ve made, we’ve received $1,000 from Anne Marie Levis, MBA ’96, to support the Experiential Learning Fund. Help us reach our next goal!
15 / 15 Gifts
SOJC Deans and Leadership Team Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our third challenge goal of 35 gifts! In addition to the gifts you’ve made, we’ve received $1,525 from the SOJC Leadership Team and former deans to support the Experiential Learning Fund. Help us reach our next goal!
35 / 35 Gifts
SOJC Timmerman Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our fourth challenge goal of 65 gifts! In addition to the gifts you’ve made, we’ve received $2,000 from Ron and Gayle Timmerman, BA ’69, to support the Experiential Learning Fund. Help us reach our next goal!
65 / 65 Gifts
SOJC Blanchard - Suratt Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our fifth challenge goal of 105 gifts! In addition to the gifts you’ve made, we’ve received $2,500 from Cameron Blanchard, BA ’91, and Daniel K. Suratt to support the Experiential Learning Fund. Help us reach our next goal!
105 / 105 Gifts
SOJC Pensiero Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our sixth challenge goal of 145 gifts! In addition to the gifts you’ve made, we’ve received $5,000 from Karen Miller Pensiero and Jim Pensiero, BA ‘75, to support The F. James Pensiero and Karen Miller Pensiero Journalism Experiential Learning Fund. Help us reach our next goal!
145 / 145 Gifts
SOJC McCloud Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our seventh challenge goal of 175 gifts! In addition to the gifts you’ve made, we’ve received $10,000 to support the School of Journalism and Communication. Help us reach our next goal!
175 / 175 Gifts
SOJC Staniak Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our eighth challenge goal of 190 gifts! In addition to the gifts you’ve made, we’ve received $10,000 to support the Staniak Scholars Internship Program. Help us reach our final goal!
190 / 190 Gifts
SOJC Wong Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our FINAL challenge goal of 200 gifts! In addition to all the gifts you’ve made today, we’ve received $10,000 from Tracy Wong, BA ‘81, to support the SOJC’s Willis Winter Advertising Fund.
200 / 200 Gifts
NEW! SOJC Bedford – Knutson Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our first challenge goal of 5 gifts! In addition to the gifts you’ve made, we’ve received $500 from Molly Bedford-Knutson BA ’08 and Ryan L. Knutson BS ‘09, to support the Experiential Learning Fund. Help us reach our next goal!
5 / 5 Gifts
#DucksGive Donor Challenge
Thank you for making #DucksGive a success for all University of Oregon units!
Rank Unit Gifts
1 Intercollegiate Athletics 354
2 School of Journalism & Communication 220
3 UO Libraries 218
4 School of Law 212
5 College of Arts and Sciences 153
#DucksGive Dollar Challenge
Thank you for making #DucksGive a success for all University of Oregon units!
Rank Unit Raised
1 Intercollegiate Athletics $111,052.00
2 School of Journalism & Communication $91,008.00
3 Lundquist College of Business $75,145.00
4 UO Libraries $27,910.00
5 College of Arts and Sciences $24,376.36
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