
Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Past Events

College of Education Challenge
THANK YOU to all our generous donors for helping us reach our goal of 75! In addition to the gifts you've made, we've received $150,000 to support the LaRocco Endowed Scholarhip in Education and the Sommerville Knight Professorship in Teacher Education. Now, David '74, JD '80 and Kathryn Bussman '77 have stepped forward with a $50,000 follow-up challenge -- give now and you can multiply your impact!
75 / 75 Gifts
Petrone/Frohnmayer Challenge
We did it! Thank you to everyone who participated in #DucksGive. We've reached our second goal of 1,000 donors to the university and secured $100,000 to the Dave Frohnmayer Fund!
481 / 481 Gifts
DeArmond Challenge
We reached our initial goal of 519 donors! Generous donor Leona DeArmond '51 has unlocked her challenge gift of $500,000 to help fund the new Allen Price Science Commons and Research Library.
519 / 519 Gifts
College of Education Bussman Challenge
While we didn't meet our second donor goal for #DucksGive, in recognition of all your support, the Bussmans have made their $50,000 gift to support the College of Education scholarships. Thank you to everyone who donated to COE during #DucksGive!
96 / 150 Gifts