When 135 #DucksGive to A&AA, you help us unlock $135,000 in gifts!
At the School of Architecture and Allied Arts our students love to create! Whether it’s a thriving community, an innovative building, a work of art, or a life-changing product—students generate ideas, A&AA provides the tools.
When #DucksGive, together we unlock big investments to A&AA! Four generous donors will invest $135,000 across A&AA with help from you to unlock their gifts.
Challenge 1—When we receive the first 50 gifts to A&AA, we unlock a $10,000 challenge gift from Michael and Penny Wilkes to the Dean’s Fund for investment across A&AA.
Challenge 2—When we receive the next 50 gifts to A&AA, we unlock a $10,000 challenge gift from Scott and Georgette Kelsey to the G.Z. “Charlie” Brown Fund for the Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory that focuses on methods to enhance green building performance.
Challenge 3—When we receive the next 25 gifts to A&AA, we unlock a $15,000 challenge gift from Cheryl and Rich Zahniser to help fund a new Center for Art Research.
Challenge 4—When we receive the next 10 gifts to A&AA, we unlock a $100,000 from Diane and Michael McKeel to improve facilitates for the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management.
Please join these generous donors and invest in A&AA students as they explore, learn, and create new ways to tackle complex global challenges that will positively affect the people, communities, and environments around them. Make your gift now!