College of Arts and Sciences

Fund Your Favorite

The College of Arts and Sciences is the University of Oregon’s largest college, offering classes in everything from Latin American history to zebrafish genetics. Our programs are the building blocks of a UO education for all UO students, and we have nearly 11,000 students majoring in 47 fields of study across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

CAS wants all students to thrive and today, we are challenging you to join the flock and support CAS students by funding your favorite program or department. Whether it be your major, a favorite subject, or just a focus you believe in, help us support the departments college-wide.

How You Can Help

Give. Make a gift of any size to any department in the College of Arts and Sciences. Our goal is not a dollar amount, but 150 gifts of $5 or more. What’s more, your gift will help unlock challenge gifts throughout the day to maximize impact.

Share. Spread the word by sharing posts from LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook with your network and talking about your favorite departments across the College of Arts and Sciences. Bonus points for using the hashtag #DucksGive!

At the end of the day, Bruce Blonigen, Tykeson Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, will personally donate $1,000 to the department that received the largest number of gifts!

You make the difference, so help your favorites by giving today!

College of Arts and Sciences Supporters
Rank State Gifts
1 OR 144
2 CA 39
3 WA 20
Cornog Family Challenge
Thank you! In addition to your 1,876 gifts, you've unlocked an additional $400,000 from the Cornog family to support a campus-wide network for innovation and economic development activities!
1,876 / 1,876 Gifts
CAS Asmundson Match
THANK YOU! You did it. CAS Ducks flocked together to give more than $24,000 and have unlocked a matching gift to support Hands-On Learning, the Environmental Leadership Program, and the Dean’s Excellence fund. Thank you to Kim and Phil Asmundson '81 for their generous gift!
$24,000 MATCHED
College of Arts and Sciences Dean Blonigen Challenge
A HUGE thanks to all the donors who supported their CAS favorites! And a special thank you to Dean Blonigen, whose $1,000 challenge gift goes to Theatre Arts, made possible by your overwhelming support to the department!
Rank Prize CAS Departments Gifts
1 $1,000 Theatre Arts 26
2 Political Science 18
3 English 12
4 Linguistics 12
5 Human Physiology 11
CAS Mortenson Challenge
Thanks to YOU, The Mortenson Family, and CAS Ducks near and far, we’ve unlocked the Mortenson Challenge, supporting Hands-On Learning! Together, when #DucksGive, we make a difference!
Rank CAS Mortenson Challenge Departments Gifts
1 Theatre Arts 26
2 Political Science 18
3 English 12
4 Linguistics 12
5 Human Physiology 11
CAS Karl SAIL Challenge
Thank you! In addition to your 10 gifts, you’ve unlocked $500 from Kurt Karl '74. His gift will support the Summer Academy to Inspire Learning (SAIL). Go Ducks!
10 / 10 Gifts
CAS Walker Challenge
Thank you! In addition to your 20 gifts, you’ve unlocked $1,000 from Karen Walker '74. Her gift will support Hands-On Learning in CAS. #DucksGive
20 / 20 Gifts
CAS Karl Sociology Challenge
Thank you! In addition to your 40 gifts, you’ve unlocked $1,000 from Kurt Karl '74. His gift will support Sociology in CAS. #casDUCKS
40 / 40 Gifts
CAS Hansen Challenge
Your #DucksGive gift makes a difference! Thanks to your 50 gifts to CAS departments and programs, a generous $3,000 challenge gift from Susie '92 and Jeff Hansen '91 has been unlocked. The Hansens’ gift will support Psychology, Sociology, and General Social Sciences. Thank you for helping us reach our next goal!
50 / 50 Gifts
CAS Ardema and Vidmar Hands-On Learning Challenge
We did it, 60 gifts! A gift of $6,000 to the Hands-On Learning Fund from Aubrey Ardema and Lucky Vidmar has been unlocked, thank you! Together, when #DucksGive, we make a difference.
60 / 60 Gifts
CAS Ramsthel Challenge
Hip, hip, hooray! Your generosity of 80 gifts has unlocked Doug Ramsthel and Amy Lee-Ramsthel’s $10,000 gift that will help us provide internship opportunities to CAS students through the Hands-On Learning Fund. Thank You!
80 / 80 Gifts
CAS Bezzerides Challenge
It’s official! We’ve received 100 gifts and the Bezzerides Challenge gift of $10,000 to the Creative Writing Reading Series has been unlocked. We are grateful to the Bezzerides, YOU, and CAS Ducks near and far!
100 / 100 Gifts
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